

Curriculum Vitae
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Google Scholar




Free Dictionaries and Encyclopedias


Cambridge Dictionaries Online → on-line English dictionary.

Garzanti Linguistica → contains an Italian vocabulary and Italian-English dictionary online.

Wikipedia → the biggest multilingual free-content encyclopedia on web.< /font>


Free Software


PDF XChange Viewer → a powerful free PDF viewer.

Firefox → is the popular free web browser of Mozilla.

Ghostscript, Ghostview and Gsview → free software to manage PS-files.

GNUPlot → free software to plot graphs.

Google Earth → software to explore the Earth with satellite imagery.

Google SketchUp application to easy design 3D models.

GraphCalc → a graphic calculator.

IT++ → a C++ library of math, signal processing, speech processing, and comm. classes and functions.

MiKTeX → up-to-date implementation of TeX/LaTeX for Windows.

GNU Octave → the most popular free MatLab-like software.

OpenOffice → a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite.

Paint .Net → a free image editing application.

SciLab → a free MatLab-like software.

TeXnicCenter → a free LaTeX editor.

Thunderbird → a popular free e-mail application of Mozilla.




Avast! → a free antivirus.

Ccleaner → a freeware for windows optimization.


Other Websites


IDS → Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. web-page.

Last update: 14/02/2018

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